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7-Day Mindful Eating Challenge

Updated: Jun 8

Welcome to the 7-Day Mindful Eating Challenge! In today's world, it's easy to let our busy schedules shape what, when, and how we eat. But what if a simple shift in your approach to eating could completely change your relationship with food?

A girl sitting among plates to start mindful eating

What is Mindful Eating?

Mindful eating is not a diet; it's a mindset - a way to pay attention to and savor every bite you take. It involves being fully present in the moment, engaging all your senses, and acknowledging the thoughts and emotions that arise during meals. By practicing mindful eating, you can create a healthier relationship with food, and gain several health benefits.

Why Take the Challenge?

Studies have shown that mindful eating can help with weight management, reduce binge eating, and improve digestion. It has also been linked to mental and emotional benefits, as it centers your attention on the meal- which can make eating more of an - experience- where you are aware and present with the sights, smells, taste, and feel of your food. It can help us be more grateful, and gives us a chance to slow down and pay attention to the disruptive eating habits we can develop overtime that often go unnoticed with quick, on-the-go meals.

The 7-Day Challenge

Each day of the challenge will introduce you to a new aspect of mindful eating, you will practice and reflect to deepen your awareness on the food around you. From mindful grocery shopping to listening to your body's hunger cues, you will have the chance to explore different mindfulness-centered eating practices. The challenge is broken down day by day, with each day focused on a different part of the food preparation process. Do one per day, or do them all on one day if you'd like. Feel free to adjust this challenge in a way that works for you. We hope you will find some you enjoy, and may consider them valuable enough to add them to your daily routines!

A shopping cart filled with food

Day One: Grocery Shopping

When you start this challenge, start by going to the grocery store. First, this could involve making a meal plan: sitting down intentionally to make a shopping list and determine what you need to get to make the recipes you'd like this week. For details on recipes to include, click here.

Drive- of if you can- walk to the store. Take your time to walk slowly through the isles, referencing your list as you go. Try to breathe mindfully as you examine the produce. Focus on nourishment and freshness in your selection of foods. Make a note to notice the colors, textures, and scents of the different foods. Feel your feet as they walk and pay attention to the experience as a whole.

When you get back, be mindful and intentional in putting the food away. What cabinets do things go into? Do you have any specific system or ordering method to the kitchen? Don't try to change, simply observe and enjoy the process of noticing.

Day Two: Preparing the Meal

Now it's time to put the meal prep work into action. Start upon the recipe you decided, thoughtfully gathering the ingredients and preparing them.

Pay careful attention to slicing or cutting vegetables, or seasoning meat. Notice the sounds, smells and specific movements involved. Try to embrace the process. Consider cooking with a friend or family member, putting on some music and trying to make note of the small things that make cooking special. You may not notice these things often, but cooking can be a very rewarding experience.

Try to make the most of it, viewing it as a nourishing or creative experience, even if you aren't someone who usually cooks this way. Notice the freshness of the ingredients or the delicate aromas released as the meal cooks. You will be happy you did so and may develop a more fond relationship to something commonly thought of as a 'household chore'.

Day Three: Eating the Meal

Today's practice involves sitting down during mealtimes and being slow and intentional. Take time to sit down, either with others or alone, and remove all distractions.

Pay attention to the flavors and textures in your mouth. Slow down and chew your food thoroughly. Put your fork down between bites and fully experience the act of eating. Meditate on the taste of the meal as you enjoy. Does each bit taste different? The same? What flavors and textures do you like or dislike the most? Do you feel calm or impatient? These are all important things to notice and reflect upon as you enjoy your meal.

Day Four: Distinguishing Hunger Cues

Today, the focus is going to be on hunger cues. When we feel hungry or reach for food, we often do so not because we feel physically hungry, but because we are facing stress or are having an emotional reaction to something. This does not have to be a negative reaction, people may eat to celebrate or when they are happy as well.

The goal of this exercise is not to judge why we are reaching for food, rather it is simply to recognize why we do so. In that way we build a sense of conscious awareness to out eating habits.

Focus in to differentiate between physical hunger and emotional hunger. Pause before reaching for a snack and ask yourself if you're truly hungry or seeking comfort. Do this throughout the day and notice what feelings come up within yourself.

Day Five: Preparing the Space

On this day, focus on creating a dining space tailored to your intentions. This can be a peaceful dining space free from distractions- turn off screens, dim the lights, and focus on the food in front of you- or it can be something entirely different. What matters is that it is intentional and you are making an effort to focus on the experience and being present.

Make each meal a sensory experience. Consider setting up a different ambiance for each meal you eat. Perhaps a candlelight dinner, or a nice outdoor lunch. Determine what environment would make a meal more enjoyable to you. Do you prefer to eat in a quiet environment or a loud one? Somewhere you can people watch? Or a secluded location where you can find peace?

Day Six: Gratitude

Today, focus in on gratitude for the nourishment your meal provides. Reflect on the journey the food took to reach your plate and savor the process.

Think about the food as it was grown, transported to the store, thoughtfully picked up by you and then prepared into this beautiful dish. Appreciate the hard work and acknowledge the systems required to get the food from field to plate. Take some deep breaths before eating while acknowledging this fact.

Day Seven: Reflection

You've done it! Mastered the challenge and hopefully engaged with food a bit more than you're used to. Now, take time to reflect on your week of mindful eating. Notice any changes in your relationship with food and how you feel physically and mentally. Consider how you can continue practicing mindfulness in your daily life.

You can do this by reflecting in a journal or through a meditation practice.

To journal, open a notebook and sit, letting your thoughts come to mind and writing them down as you go. Think about the feelings you felt throughout the week, and reflect on any notable sensory details you noticed but normally would not have. Reflect on what was good, and what you did not like. Consider writing 5-10 examples of things you noticed regarding every sense. For example, five different pleasant tastes, colors, textures, etc.

To meditate, there are a variety of options. Check out some meditations on Spotify around this topic, or simply sit and listen to your breath as you keep the intention in mind. Try to list the 5-10 examples as stated in the journaling section. Remember meditation and reflection is totally personal, do whatever helps you glean the most from the process!

A sandwich among a food spread including lettuce, canned products, meat, and cheese, among others

Embrace the Challenge!

Start this 7-day journey of self-discovery and mindful eating. By the end of the challenge, you may find yourself more in tune with your body, more appreciative of your food, and more present in your daily life. If you complete the challenge, let us know in the comments. Let's unlock the power of mindful eating together!


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